藤波結花 ピアニスト
藤波結花 ピアニスト

藤波 結花

Yuka Fujinami




小平市主催の鑑賞教室にて、学内オーケストラとチャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲第1番を共演。 その後オーストリア・ウィーン国際音楽セミナーにてルドルフ・ケーラー氏に師事し研鑽を積む。教会コンサートなどに出演。


その後ホスピタリティコンサート、ロビーコンサート、音楽祭等出演多数。 21世紀ピアノコンクール第2位受賞他、大阪国際音楽コンクール入賞。 及川音楽事務所オーディション優秀新人賞受賞。2004年、日経新聞社主催ミューズサロン「 チェロ名曲の夕べ」にてレオニード・ゴロホフ氏と共演する。プリマ・ヴィスタ四重奏団(ポーランド)や、東京ベートーヴェンカルテットとも共演を重ねアンサンブルピアニストとしての評価も高い。2010年10月には津田ホール、ソフィアザールにてソロリサイタルを開催。各メディアにてその活動を高く評価され掲載された。2012年4月にはポーランドのシレジアフィルハーモニーとチャイコフスキーピアノ協奏曲第1番を共演している。 


独自の分析、感性による解釈は、音符から離れ宇宙的な愛に満ちた音楽だと、 多くの作曲家からの信頼を得ている。







現在は日本各地でトークを交えた親しみやすいコンサートの活動のほか、能楽とクラシック音楽と日本酒を融合させた、和と洋の新しい価値観を生み出すコラボレーションもプロデュースし、注目されている。ピアノの指導のほか、少人数でのアットホームな講座も開講。「大人の為のおもしろクラシック音楽講座」「~想像から創造へ~知られざる ”エリーゼのために” 」「ピアノに触れてみよう・表現してみよう」「はじめの一歩」などがある。また、医療、福祉施設で「メディカルミュージック®️」や、音楽を通した街つくり・地域創造を推進している。



日本演奏連盟 東京リラの会 瑞穂の会 日本歌曲振興波の会

Yuka Fujinami  

Yuka Fujinami Music Production, Representative

Instructed by my mother,
I started playing the piano at the age of 4.

Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music after attending junior and senior high schools attached to the college, and completed the graduate school at the same college.

Performed Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with the school orchestra at an appreciation class hosted by Kodaira City.

After that, I studied under Rudolf Köhler at the International Music Seminar in Vienna, Austria.

Performed at church concerts as in Vienna.

In 2002, I held a solo recital at the Musashino Civic Cultural Center.

Since then, I have performed at many hospitality concerts, lobby concerts, and music festivals.

In addition to winning the 2nd prize at the 21st Century International Competition for Piano, I also won a prize at Osaka International Music Competition.

Received the Excellent Newcomer Award at the Oikawa Music Office audition.

In 2004, performed with Leonid Gorokhov at the Muse Salon "Evening of Cello Masterpieces" sponsored by Nikkei Shimbun.

I have also performed extensively as an ensemble pianist with Prima Vista String Quartet of Poland and Tokyo Beethoven Quartet.

In October 2010, I held a solo recital at Tsuda Hall and Sophia Saal. The activities were highly appraised and published in various media.

In April 2012, I performed the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 with Silesian Philharmonic  Symphony Orchestra from Poland.

Backing joint-performers with expressiveness and a delicate touch supported with solid technique.

While devoting myself to accompaniment, I won the 10th Haruna Umenosato Spring Seminar Encouragement Award. And at Fukumitsu IOX-AROSA Vocal Music Summer Seminar Accompaniment Course, I received the Encouragement Award in 2008 and the Excellence Award both in 2009 and 2011.I support my joint performers with expressive power supported by solid technique and delicate essence, and give a sense of security with a warm and thoughtful touch.

In addition, there are many exchanges with composers, such as "Narrations and Musics", "JFC Indépendant" sponsored by The Japan Federation of Composers Inc., "Japan Contemporary Music Exhibition” and "The 21st Century Piano Music Fields" sponsored by the International Federation of Arts. I also appeared on the stage in a wide range of events such as "Evening of New Songs" sponsored by Japanese Song Promotion Association NAMINOKAI.

Involved in presenting works by contemporary Japanese composers, including premiere performances, as well as CD production.

My unique analysis and interpretation based on my sensibilities have earn me the trust of many composers, saying that my music extends far from musical notes and is full of universal love.

Since 2002, I have been working as a piano assistant at the "Lecture Concert for Piano Teachers" by composer Kouichi Uzaki in Nagano and Tokyo, which can be said to be my life's work.

Awarded the 2013 International Federation of Arts Music Award. 

In 2013, in recognition of my ambitious activities, I was awarded the 2013 Music Award by Japan International league of Artists.

Performed at the award commemorative concert at Suginami Public Hall.

In addition to my activities as a pianist, I am also attracting attention for my activities such as the "Mansion Concert" is beginning to gain attention. This activity involves reviving dormant pianos at home and connects the city and people, as well as a regional hall management advisor and spatial music advisor.

Established Yuka Fujinami Music Production

Yuka Fujinami Music Production was established in November 2013 with the aim of lowering the threshold of classical music, connecting people each other through music, and creating a society where music brings smiles to people's faces.

Started business development based on efforts to enrich life with music.

All of the events I plan and produce are well received by people unfamiliar with classical music, and that community is expanding nationwide.

I also conduct consulting to help musicians and those who are working through their issues and concerns they confront “being active” in the field and guide them a solution.

My consultations provide performers the guidework that they need to excel in their community and in turn be wanted by the society.

Bringing classical music closer to everyone

Additionally besides holding introduction concerts in various locations with explanations so that people can better understand the music, collaborations with local sake manufacturers that create new Japanese and Western values  of Noh and classical music are attracting attention.

Besides piano instruction, I also offer small-group, home-like courses such as "Interesting Classical Music Courses for Adults," "From Imagination to Creation, Unknown 'For Elise'," and "Let's Touch and Express the Piano" and so on.

I am promoting "medical music®️" in the medical and welfare facilities as well, and urban development and regional creation through music.

In 2018 and 2019, I performed at the “Japan Festival” in Legnica, Poland, which was well received.

Received the Excellent Co-performer Award at the 2nd Japanese Song Contest in Yakushiji in 2019.

In April 2019, formed the piano trio called "Rosetown Trio".

The debut performance was held at Harajuku Casa Mozart in Tokyo.

Each member is an experienced solo performer, and their individualities are interwoven in this dynamic and refreshing ensemble, which always fascinates the audience.